Wednesday 9 February 2022

Drugs and their MOA

This post contains the drug names and their mechanism of action.

As we have many drugs, this post will be always updating, so dear friends Keep Following.

Drug name
Mechanism Of Action
Drugs acting on Autonomic Nervous System
Cholinergic Drugs
Bethanecholworks by making the contraction of urinary bladder muscle sufficiently strong to initiate urination and empty the bladder.
Pilocarpineworks by stimulating certain nerves and glands in your body thereby increasing the production of saliva, tears, sweat, digestive juices and other secretions.
Neostigmineworks by increasing the level of acetylcholine, a chemical messenger in the brain, by suppressing acetylcholinesterase (enzyme).
Pyridostigmineworks by increasing the levels of acetylcholine (chemical messenger) which allows free transmission of signals across the nerves and muscles.
Rivastigmineworks by increasing the levels of a chemical messenger (acetylcholine) involved in transmission of nerve signals. 
Donepezilworks by increasing the levels of a chemical messenger (acetylcholine) involved in transmission of nerve signals.
Galantamineworks by increasing the levels of a chemical messenger (acetylcholine) involved in transmission of nerve signals.              
Anticholinergic Drugs
Atropine works by blocking the activity of a chemical messenger (acetylcholine) in the brain.
Clidiniumworks by relaxing the muscles in the stomach and gut (intestine) and stops sudden muscle contractions (spasms), thereby relieving cramps, pain, bloating, and discomfort.
Hyoscine butyl bromideworks by relaxing the muscles in the stomach and gut (intestine) and stops sudden muscle contractions (spasms), thereby relieving cramps, pain, bloating, and discomfort.
Dicyclomineworks by relaxing the muscles in the stomach and gut (intestine) and stops sudden muscle contractions (spasms), thereby relieving cramps, pain, bloating, and discomfort.
Valenthamate works by blocking the effect of a chemical messenger (acetylcholine), thereby relaxing the smooth muscles of cervix and intestine.
Glycopyrrolateworks by blocking the activity of a chemical messenger (acetylcholine) in the brain.
Ipratropium bromide  works by relaxing the muscles in the airways and widens the airways. This makes breathing easier.
Tiotropium bromideworks by relaxing the muscles in the airways and widens the airways. This makes breathing easier.
Oxybutyninworks by relaxing muscles of the urinary bladder and prevents frequent, urgent or uncontrolled urination.
Flavoxate works by relaxing muscles of the urinary bladder and prevents frequent, urgent or uncontrolled urination, and relieves associated pain.
Tolterodine works by relaxing muscles of the urinary bladder and prevents frequent, urgent or uncontrolled urination.
Darifenacinworks by relaxing muscles of the urinary bladder to prevent frequent, urgent or uncontrolled urination.
Solifenacinworks by relaxing muscles of the urinary bladder to prevent frequent, urgent or uncontrolled urination
Procyclidine works by decreasing the activity of excess acetylcholine in the brain.
Ganglionic stimulants
Nicotine works by binding to nicotine receptors in the brain during abstinence from smoking
Varenicline works by mimicking the effect of nicotine by binding to the nicotine receptors in the brain.
 works in depression by increasing the levels of chemical messengers in the brain that helps in regulating mood.
Ganglionic blocking agents
Trimethaphanworks by preventing stimulation of postsynaptic receptors by competing with acetylcholine for these receptor sites.
Mecamylamine  works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily.
Adrenergic drugs
Adrenaline (Epinephrine)works by relaxing the muscles in the airways and tightening the blood vessels.
Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine, levarterenol)works by stimulating receptors called adrenoceptors, which are found all over the body. 
Isoprenaline (Isoproterenol)works by increasing cardiac output by increasing the heart rate and cardiac contractility.
Dobutamineworks by activating the receptors in the heart. This makes the heart pump blood with more strength and force and increases its pumping capacity in conditions such as heart failure.
Ephedrineworks by reducing swelling and constricting blood vessels in the nasal passages and widening the lung airways, allowing you to breathe more easily.
Phenylephrine works by narrowing the small blood vessels which provides temporary relief from inflammation (redness and swelling) and discomfort.
Methoxamineworks by increasing the force of the heart's pumping action as well as constricting peripheral blood vessels
Mephentermineworks by indirect stimulation of β-adrenergic receptors causing the release of norepinephrine from its storage sites.
Amphetamineworks by activating  receptors in the brain and increases the activity of a number of neurotransmitters, especially norepinephrine and dopamine. 
Dexamphetamineworks by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain.
Sibutramineworks by blocking  the reuptake of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. 
Xylometazolineworks by stimulating adrenergic receptors on the lamina propria of blood vessels in the nose.
Oxymetazolineworks by narrowing the small blood vessels which provides temporary relief from inflammation (redness and swelling) and discomfort.
Naphazolineworks by narrowing swollen blood vessels in the eyes to reduce eye redness.
Pseudoephedrineworks by narrowing the small blood vessels which provides temporary relief from inflammation (redness and swelling) and discomfort.
Phenylpropanolamineworks by constricting (shrinking) blood vessels (veins and arteries) in your body.
Ritodrineworks by increasing cAMP level and decreases intracellular calcium concentration. decrease of calcium concentration leads to a relaxation of uterine smooth muscle and, therefore, a decrease in premature uterine contractions.
Isoxsuprineworks by preventing the contractions of the smooth muscles in the uterus. Thus, it relaxes the uterus to prevent premature labor. Also works by widening  blood vessels to increase blood flow, thereby improving blood circulation to certain parts of the body (such as the hands/feet, brain). Therefore, it also treats peripheral vascular disease.
Adrenergic blocking drugs
Phenoxybenzamineworks by relaxing and widening blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily.
Ergotamineworks by maintaining the level of serotonin (chemical messenger) in the brain, thus prevents the transmission of pain. 
Dihydroergotamineworks by tightening blood vessels in the brain and by stopping the release of natural substances in the brain that cause swelling.
Phentolamineworks by blocking alpha receptors in certain parts of the body.
Prazosinworks by lowering the blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily through the body.
Terazosinworks by lowering the blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and also relaxes the muscles around the bladder exit and prostate, which makes it easier to urinate.
Doxazosinworks by lowering the blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and also relaxes the muscles around the bladder exit and prostate, which makes it easier to urinate.
Alfuzosinworks by relaxing muscle around the bladder exit and prostate gland so urine is passed more easily.
Tamsulosin works by relaxing muscle around the bladder exit and prostate gland so urine is passed more easily.
Silodosinworks by relaxing muscle around the bladder exit and prostate gland so urine is passed more easily.
β -Adrenergic blocking drugs
Propranololworks by blocking the effects of the hormone epinephrine, also known as adrenaline
Sotalolworks by regulating heart beat by blocking abnormal electrical signals in the heart.
Pindololworks by slowing heart rate and relaxing blood vessels to improve blood flow to organs.
Metoprololworks by slowing down the heart rate and makes the heart more efficient at pumping blood around the body.
Atenololworks by slowing down the heart rate and makes the heart more efficient at pumping blood around the body.
Bisoprololworks by slowing down the heart rate and makes the heart more efficient at pumping blood around the body.
Esmololworks by slowing down the heart rate and makes the heart more efficient at pumping blood around the body.
Celiprololworks by slowing down the heart rate and makes the heart more efficient at pumping blood around the body.
Nebivololworks by slowing down the heart rate and makes the heart more efficient at pumping blood around the body.
Labetalolworks by slowing down the heart rate and relaxing blood vessels which makes the heart more efficient at pumping blood around the body.
Carvedilolworks by slowing down the heart rate and relaxing blood vessels which makes the heart more efficient at pumping blood around the body.
Topical drugs for Glaucoma 
Timololworks by decreasing the production of aqueous humour (fluid in the eye), thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.
Betaxololworks by decreasing the production of aqueous humour (fluid in the eye), thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.
Levobunololworks by decreasing the production of aqueous humour (fluid in the eye), thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.
Apraclonidineworks by decreasing the production of aqueous humour (fluid in the eye), thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.
Brimonidine works by decreasing the production of aqueous humour (fluid in the eye), thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.
Latanoprostworks by increasing the outflow of aqueous humor, thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.
Travoprostworks by increasing the outflow of aqueous humor, thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.
Bimatoprost works by increasing the outflow of aqueous humor, thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.
Pilocarpineworks by stimulating certain nerves and glands in your body thereby increasing the production of saliva, tears, sweat, digestive juices and other secretions.
Dorzolamideworks by decreasing the production of aqueous humour (fluid in the eye), thereby lowering the increased eye pressure.
Autocoids and related drugs
H1 Antagonists
Diphenhydramineworks by blocking the action of certain chemical messengers that are responsible for inflammation, congestion, itching, and other allergic reactions.
Dimenhydrinateworks by blocking the action of certain chemical messengers that are responsible for inflammation, congestion, itching, and other allergic reactions.
Promethazineworks by blocking the action of certain chemical messengers that are responsible for inflammation, congestion, itching, and other allergic reactions.
Hydroxyzineworks by blocking the action of a chemical messenger (histamine) thereby relieves allergy symptoms such as itching, swelling, and rashes.
Pheniramineworks by blocking the action of a chemical messenger (histamine) thereby relieves symptoms of severe allergic reactions due to insect bite/sting, certain medicines, hives (rashes, swelling, etc.)
Cyproheptadineworks by blocking the action of certain chemical messengers that are responsible for inflammation, congestion, itching, and other allergic reactions.
Meclozine (Meclizine)works by blocking the action of histamine, a chemical in the brain that controls nausea, vomiting, and balance.
Cinnarizineworks by preventing constriction of the blood vessels of the inner ear thereby improves the microcirculation of the ear.
Chlorpheniramineworks by blocking the action of histamine, thereby relieving watery eyes, runny or blocked nose, sneezing, skin rashes, itching, etc.
Dexchlorpheniramineworks by blocking the action of certain chemical messengers that are responsible for inflammation, congestion, itching, and other allergic reactions.
Triprolidineworks by blocking the action of certain chemical messengers that are responsible for inflammation, congestion, itching, and other allergic reactions.
Clemastineworks by blocking the action of certain chemical messengers that are responsible for inflammation, congestion, itching, and other allergic reactions.
Fexofenadineworks by blocking the action of histamine, thereby relieving allergy symptoms such as itching, swelling, and rashes.
Loratadineworks by blocking the action of histamine, thereby relieving allergy symptoms such as itching, swelling, and rashes.
Desloratadineworks by blocking the action of histamine, thereby relieving allergy symptoms such as itching, swelling, and rashes.
Cetirizineworks by blocking the action of histamine, thereby relieving watery eyes, runny or blocked nose, sneezing, skin rashes, itching, etc.
Levocetirizineworks by blocking the action of histamine, thereby relieving watery eyes, runny or blocked nose, sneezing, skin rashes, itching, etc.
Azelastineworks by blocking the action of histamine, thereby relieving watery eyes, runny or blocked nose, sneezing, skin rashes, itching, etc.
Mizolastineworks by blocking the action of histamine, thereby relieving allergy symptoms such as itching, swelling, and rashes.
Ebastineworks by blocking the action of histamine, thereby relieving allergy symptoms such as itching, swelling, and rashes.
Rupatadineworks by blocking the action of histamine, thereby relieving allergy symptoms such as itching, swelling, and rashes.

LAST UPDATED ON  18.03.2022

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